Crocodile Walkthrough | HackTheBox

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This is a simple walkthrough for completing the Crocodile target machine in

Task 1

Question: What nmap scanning switch employs the use of default scripts during a scan?

Answer: -sC

Task 2

Question: What service version is found to be running on port 21?

Answer: vsftpd 3.0.3

Task 3

Question: What FTP code is returned to us for the “Anonymous FTP login allowed” message?

Answer: 230

Task 4

Question: What command can we use to download the files we find on the FTP server?

Answer: get

Task 5

Question: What is one of the higher-privilege sounding usernames in the list we retrieved?

Answer: admin

Task 6

Question: What version of Apache HTTP Server is running on the target host?


Task 7

Question: What is the name of a handy web site analysis plug-in we can install in our browser?

Answer: wappalyzer

Task 8

Question: What switch can we use with gobuster to specify we are looking for specific filetypes?

Answer: -x

Task 9

Question: What file have we found that can provide us a foothold on the target?

Answer: login.php

We were able to enumerate these files by using the following command:

$ gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt -x php

Task 10

Submit flag

From the previous step, we can see that there is a login.php webpage. If we navigate to this webpage we can see there is an actual login form to enter credentials. If we go back a couple steps, we can remember that there was FTP functionality in this box, which means we can take a look to see if there are any stored usernames or passwords.

We know that this box is misconfigured and has anonymous login allowed for FTP. If we login with the FTP username as anonymous, there we can see two files available.

From here, we can use the get command in FTP to download those files so we can view the contents.

get allowed.userlist
get allowed.userlist.passwd

There are only a couple of usernames and passwords in this list. We will just enter them manually into the login prompt. If there was a larger list to use for brute forcing, we could use an automated tool for that. In this case, the admin username worked with one of the passwords and we were successfully able to login.

Mission accomplished.

FTP Commands

FTP Command	Description of Command
!	Escape to the shell.
$	Execute macro
?	Print local help information.
account	Send account command to remote server.
append	Append to a file.
ascii	Set ascii transfer type.
beep	Beep when command completed.
binary	Set binary transfer type.
bye	Terminate FTP session and exit.
case	Toggle mget upper/lower case id mapping.
cd	Change remote working directory.
cdup	Change remote working directory to parent directory.
chmod	Change file permissions of remote file.
close	Terminate FTP session.
cr	Toggle carriage return stripping on ascii gets.
debug	Toggle/set debugging mode.
delete	Delete remote file
dir	List contents of remote directory.
disconnect	Terminate FTP session.
exit	Terminate FTP sessions and exit.
form	Set file transfer format.
get	Receive file.
glob	Toggle meta character expansion of local file names.
hash	Toggle printing ‘#’ for each buffer transferred.
help	Display local help information.
idle	Get (set) idle timer on remote side.
image	Set binary transfer type.
ipany	Allow use of any address family.
ipv4	Restrict address usage to IPv4.
ipv6	Restrict address usage to IPv6.
lcd	Change local working directory.
ls	List contents of remote directory.
macdef	Define a macro.
mdelete	Delete multiple files.
mdir	List contents of multiple remote directories.
mget	Get multiple files.
mkdir	Make directory on remote machine.
mls	List contents of multiple remote directories.
mode	Set file transfer mode.
modtime	Show last modification time of remote file.
mput	Send multiple files.
newer	Get file if remote file is newer than local file.
nlist	List remote directory nlist contents.
nmap	Set templates for default file name mapping.
ntrans	Set translation table for default file name mapping.
open	Connect to remote ftp.
passive	Enter passive transfer mode.
prompt	Force interactive prompting on multiple commands.
proxy	Issue command on an alternate connection.
put	Send one file.
pwd	Print working directory on remote machine.
qc	Print ? in place of control characters on stdout.
quit	Terminate ftp session and exit.
quote	Send arbitrary ftp command.
recv	Receive file.
reget	Get file restarting at end of local file.
rename	Rename file.
reset	Clear queued command replies.
restart	Restart file transfer at bytecount.
rhelp	Get help from remote server.
rmdir	Remove directory on remote machine.
rstatus	Show status of remote machine.
runique	Toggle store unique for local files.
send	Send one file.
sendport	Toggle use of PORT cmd for each data connection.
site	Send site specific command to remote server.
size	Show size of remote file.
status	Show current status.
struct	Set file transfer structure.
sunique	Toggle store unique on remote machine.
system	Show remote system type.
tenex	Set tenex file transfer type.
tick	Toggle printing byte counter during transfers.
trace	Toggle packet tracing.
type	Set file transfer type.
umask	Get (set) umask on remote site.
user	Send new user information.
verbose	Toggle verbose mode.

Gobuster Commands

  gobuster [command]

Available Commands:
  dir         Uses directory/file enumeration mode
  dns         Uses DNS subdomain enumeration mode
  fuzz        Uses fuzzing mode
  help        Help about any command
  s3          Uses aws bucket enumeration mode
  version     shows the current version
  vhost       Uses VHOST enumeration mode

      --delay duration    Time each thread waits between requests (e.g. 1500ms)
  -h, --help              help for gobuster
      --no-error          Don't display errors
  -z, --no-progress       Don't display progress
  -o, --output string     Output file to write results to (defaults to stdout)
  -p, --pattern string    File containing replacement patterns
  -q, --quiet             Don't print the banner and other noise
  -t, --threads int       Number of concurrent threads (default 10)
  -v, --verbose           Verbose output (errors)
  -w, --wordlist string   Path to the wordlist
  -x                      Looks for files specified

Use "gobuster [command] --help" for more information about a command. is an independent recruitment website launched in 2023 on a mission to match impactful people with meaningful organizations

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