Roles and Responsibilities of an Information Systems Security Engineer

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In organizations adhering to the Risk Management Framework, the role of an Information Systems Security Engineer has become indispensable. These professionals play a pivotal role in cybersecurity, responsible for protecting an organization’s digital assets. Their duties, diverse and crucial, maintain the integrity and confidentiality of information systems.

System Hardening: Securing Authorization to Operate

A key task of the ISSE’s is to harden systems for obtaining an Authorization to Operate (ATO). This rigorous process fortifies the organization’s information systems to meet strict security standards and regulations. They meticulously configure systems, eliminate vulnerabilities, implement robust security controls, and update these measures regularly.

The goal is to ensure defense-in-depth, making systems not just secure but fully compliant with regulatory frameworks. Their efforts are vital for acquiring the ATO, marking the system’s readiness for operation and its capability to handle sensitive information securely. This process not only protects the organization but also builds trust among clients and stakeholders in the security and reliability of the organization’s information systems.

Network Security: A Top Priority

A primary responsibility of ISSE’s is securing the organization’s network, especially if it supports networked assets. They design, implement, and manage network security measures to prevent unauthorized access, data breaches, and cyberattacks. Their role includes setting up firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and other network security infrastructure compliant with Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs).

Risk Assessment and Management: A Continuous Process

Continuous monitoring of systems is a critical aspect of their role. They identify, evaluate, and prioritize potential vulnerabilities within the organization’s information systems. Beyond risk assessment, they develop strategies for mitigation. This includes collaborating with ISSO/ISSM to update security policies or implementing new technologies to bolster defenses. Management of vulnerabilities is conducted with Plan of Action and Milestones (POAMs), tracked via the organization’s vulnerability tracking systems.

Staying Informed and Educated

Lastly, Information Systems Security Engineers must continually update their skills and knowledge. The dynamic nature of cybersecurity, with new threats emerging regularly, necessitates staying current with trends, technologies, and threats. Continuous education, attending conferences, and obtaining certifications are part of their effort to stay ahead in their field.


The Information Systems Security Engineer’s role is multifaceted and vital in today’s digital landscape. Spanning various domains like network security and incident management, their responsibilities are critical in safeguarding an organization’s information systems. As cyber threats evolve, so does the significance of these cybersecurity experts in ensuring the digital safety of organizations worldwide. is an independent recruitment website launched in 2023 on a mission to match impactful people with meaningful organizations

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